Master Builders Terms and Conditions for Student Enrolments
Master Builders Association of Victoria has developed this policy in accordance with Clauses 3.1-3.4, 3.5,5.1-5.3, 7.3 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. Master Builders Association of Victoria, (herein after referred to as Master Builders) which is a Registered Training Organisation, 3935, delivers training and assessment services. These terms and conditions apply to students enrolled in courses delivered by Master Builders. All enrolments into Master Builder’s courses are subject to the below Master Builders Terms and Conditions.
This applies to all students enrolling with Master Builders.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.
Credit Transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications.
Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) is the assessment of a person’s current capacity to perform; it applies if an individual has successfully completed a unit of competency some time ago, and is now required to be reassessed to ensure that their competence is still current even though they hold the unit.
Non-accredited Course is a course that is not recognised by the Australian Quality Framework (AQF). Students enrolled in non-accredited courses cannot receive government subsidised funding for training.
Incolink Fee category: A fee type accessed by students (or their nominating employer) who is a financial member with Incolink and making current contributions to both the Incolink Redundancy and Training Levy funds.
Skills First Program: The Victorian Government’s program for funding individuals’ Entitlement to Funded Training.
Skills First Concession Fee category: A student who has met all of the eligibility criteria for Concession status under the Skills First Program and can therefore have their training subsidised under the Skills First Program at the Concession rate.
Master Builders Member Fee category: A student who has met the Membership criteria of the Master Builders Association of Victoria and whose membership application has been completed, passed all of the financial and police checks, and is pending ratification by, or has been ratified by, the Board. A Master Builders Member may also nominate an employee to undertake training in this fee category through their authorised representative or training representative.
Master Builders Member + Incolink Contributor Fee category: In addition to the Master Builders Member requirements the Student (or their nominating Employer) must be a financial member with Incolink making current contributions to both the Incolink Redundancy and Training Levy funds.
Non Member + Incolink Contributor Fee category: The Student (or their nominating Employer) must be a financial member with Incolink and making current contributions to both the Incolink Redundancy and Training Levy funds.
Non Member Fee category: The student, who is not a registered Master Builder member, may or may not meet the criteria of any of the other funding categories.
Master Builders requires all learners to complete a Pre Training Review prior to enrolment, which will be used to determine individual learner’s suitability to enrol into a training program.
As part of the Pre-Training Review, all learners are also required to complete a Pre Training Needs Assessment (which includes a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment) prior to enrolling into a training program with Master Builders.
The LLN assessment will be used to determine any language, literacy, numeracy and technology support that may be required for each individual learner through the training program.
Master Builders may also refer learners to external organisations and agencies for additional support on a case-by-case basis. All costs relating to external additional support will be the responsibility of the learner or the learner’s employer or referring agency.
Where a learner has disclosed disability, the learner will be assisted to complete a Learner Access Plan (LAP). The LAP is used to identify, negotiate and document the type(s) of support required. Where possible, Master Builders will provide the required support or reasonable adjustment. Reasonable adjustments are those that would not cause unjustifiable hardship to the RTO. For example, if the costs of making adjustments to the premises are such that they would cause financial hardship to Master Builders, it would not be expected to make such adjustments.
A disability or hardship can occur at any stage during a training program. A learner may acquire a disability after the initial Pre Training Review process. A LAP can therefore be requested at any stage of the training program. Learners can contact the Learning Support Consultant on (03) 9411 4555 to disclose a disability and discuss any reasonable adjustments required.
Master Builders can facilitate the following support and reasonable adjustments:
Many training and assessment courses have inherent requirements that must be met by all learners in order for them to be deemed competent in their studies. These components, if removed, would compromise the competency requirements. Master Builders will provide all reasonable adjustments to assist a learner to meet the inherent competency requirements. If a learner, however, cannot meet the inherent competency requirements even with reasonable adjustment, the learner will not be able to participate in or complete the course.
For further information of Learning Support please ref to the Learner Support Policy located here.
Once the Pre-Training Review has been conducted and the student is deemed able to enrol, a payment towards an application is required. Once received, a confirmation of enrolment will be forwarded to the purchaser for enrolments processed directly by the Master Builders. For online enrolments it is the responsibility of the purchaser to print the confirmation and/or timetable upon payment. If the purchaser is not the person being enrolled, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to forward the confirmation of enrolment to the person enrolled. All training courses offered by Master Builders are GST exclusive with the exception of non accredited courses.
Visa requirements – For participants under Visa Class 500, please note that Master Builders (RTO 3935) is not covered by CRICOS, and due to the visa condition 8202, Master Builders will be unable to provide training to those participants.
Enrolment in a course does not guarantee that the student will successfully complete that course.
Master Builders reserves the right to cancel or postpone any training course due to insufficient registrations or other reasons beyond its control. Where a course is cancelled and not rescheduled a full refund will be provided. Where a course is rescheduled, student has the option to transfer to the next scheduled course at no additional fee.
All students will be required to complete the required enrolment documentation including providing evidence of eligibility if applying for Skills First funding. Where students are applying for Skills First subsidised funding, a hard copy original or a certified copy of identification evidence must be sighted by Master Builders. This evidence can be one of the below:
In addition, if the student’s age is relevant to their eligibility for funding, proof of age is also required such as one of the below documents:
In all cases, applicants for enrolment must provide photo identification in order for Master Builders to ensure that the Nationally Accredited qualification is being issued to the participant who has signed the enrolment documentation.
In the case where students fund the entire cost of the course, Master Builders has measures in place to ensure that students receive a refund of fees for services not provided. This includes services not provided as a result of the financial failure or deregistration of Master Builders.
Master Builders adopts a refund policy that is fair and equitable both to the student and Master Builders.
Master Builders ensures that the contractual and financial relationship between the student and Master Builders is fully and properly documented, and that copies of the documentation are made available to the student in the Student Handbook supplied at enrolment. Information includes: student code of conduct, course fees and refunds, course delivery, access to student records, complaints standards and other policies.
In the case where the employer is funding the cost of training, information of such funding is provided to the student at the discretion of the employer only.
Prior to enrolment, Master Builders will provide all students with a Statement of Fees, which itemises all fees and materials required for the course. The current Statement of Fees for all Master Builder’s qualifications and courses are available from:
Course fees and charges can be different depending upon the course of study, and the level and type of funding available. Funding can change from one month to another; therefore fees and charges may also be subject to change. Relevant marketing materials will include the following caveat: ‘The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment’.
In some circumstances, Master Builders has flexibility in setting a fee structure and in other circumstances they will be determined by State or Commonwealth governments or other contractual arrangements. In all cases Master Builders will endeavour to provide the most recent and correct fees and charges to students in a transparent and open manner.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have read and understood the information provided by Master Builders regarding fees, payments, refunds and guarantees prior to enrolling in a course. If the information is difficult to understand, intending students should seek advice and explanation from the Master Builders Training Department.
Master Builders must not charge fees for Credit Transfers in accordance with the Standards for RTO’s 2015.
Master Builders provides students with learning support by our Learning Support Consultant. In some cases, students may require additional technical support directly from trainers and assessors.
Refer to the Learning Support policy for further information found on the Master Builders website:
All requests for change of dates are to be made in writing by completing and submitting a Rescheduling Application Form to the Training Department. This form can be accessed through the Master Builders Training website, or by contacting Master Builders Training Department.
In the case of short courses, written notification must be received no less than 3 (three) business days prior to course start date to avoid a transfer fee. There is only one transfer allowed before a re-enrolment fee has to be paid. In all other cases, written notification must be received no less than 5(five) business days prior to the scheduled class date to avoid a transfer fee.
A maximum of 2 transfers per session is allowed.
Transfer fee is $50 per unit/cluster (depending on the structure of the course) for the first transfer. For the second and the final transfer, the fee is $200 per unit/cluster (depending on the structure of the course).
If you are still unable to attend the course after the second transfer and want to re-attend study, you will be required to pay the full course fees unless compelling circumstances prevail as covered in section 11.4, and will be dealt on case-by case basis.
No refunds are allowed after the course has been transferred from the initial enrolment date.
If no written notification is received, the full course fee may be applicable upon rescheduling. For further information on course transfers, refer to the Fees, Charges and Refunds policy which can be found on the Master Builders training website.
All withdrawals, requests for transferring, rescheduling or refunds must be made in writing and sent to tr******@mb**.au.
Course fees may be refunded or reallocated under the following circumstances:
Master Builders will not provide a refund in the following circumstances:
Non-refundable Administration fees are as follows:
Students may find that they have to withdraw from their study program after the course commencement due to certain circumstances making it impracticable for students to complete the requirements of the units. This may include:
Refund of fees due to any of the above special circumstances, will be considered by Master Builders and the amount of refund will be calculated on a case-by-case basis and according to the amount of training provided at that time.
An application for a refund under special circumstances should be made in writing within 12 months of the withdrawal date. However, Master Builders in its discretion may decide to waive this requirement if it is satisfied that the application could not be made within the 12 month timeframe.
The student’s application should include any independent supporting documentation such as a letter from the student’s doctor or counsellor to support the student’s claim. Each application will be examined and determined on its merits. Master Builder will consider the student’s claim, together with any independent supporting documentary evidence that substantiates the claim.
A course discount will be available to Master Builders Members. To become a Master Builders member contact the Membership team on 03 9411 4555.
Master Builders requires upfront payment of course fees in line with the Standards for RTO 2015.
A full course fee payment is required upon enrolment for all courses to secure a place and there is a non-refundable administration fee that applies to all courses.
Master Builders holds unconditional financial guarantee (effective 1 January 2020) with Bank of Melbourne as per the pre-paid fee protection requirement under Clause 7.3 of the Standards for RTO 2015. This bank guarantee ensures that our students that are displaced from a course, due to Master Builders’ inability to continue the course are paid a refund of any prepaid fees for services yet to be delivered above the threshold prepaid fee amount ($1500).
Master Builders ensures that all students have access to a fair and equitable process for dealing with complaints or concerns and provides an avenue for students to appeal against such decisions which affect the student’s progress. Every effort is made by Master Builders to resolve the student’s complaint or concern. To this end, the Executive Manager – MBTI is the person to whom formal complaints or concerns are referred.
During the Pre-Training Review the Complaints, Concerns and Appeals Policy and procedure is outlined to students. Where a complaint or concern cannot be resolved internally, Master Builders provides an external independent person to hear the appeal or case. Refer to the Complaints, Concerns and Appeals Policy Which can be found at
A student’s enrolment in a course remains current and open whilst the course is being undertaken. In this time they are expected to attend training sessions and submit their assessments within the timeframes as per the assessment timetable, including re-submissions. All courses undertaken by students will have an expiry date. The course will be closed off six (6) months after the final day of course delivery.
Assessments received after the course closure date will not be accepted.
If a student misses any session of the training, he/she will be expected to make up these sessions before submitting an assessment for marking.A transfer to another scheduled class is allowed two times and will incur a first transfer fee of $50 per unit/cluster, second transfer fee of $200 per unit/cluster or the full course fee may be applicable according to the Fees, Charges and Refunds policy which can be found at
Students will be required to re-enrol in the course if all assessments are not received before course cut off date.
For course related information refer to the course information sheets available under each course page on
Master Builders will issue AQF certification documentation only to a student who has been assessed as meeting the requirements of the training product as specified in the relevant training package.
An administration fee of $50 will apply for replacement or re-issuance of an AQF certification documentation upon submission of an application form. This includes the application for the re-issuance of a Red Card. Refer to the Issuance of AQF Certification Documentation Policy for further information.
The Skills First funding contract provides eligible applicants with access to Victorian and Commonwealth government subsidised funding in vocational training through Master Builders.
Under the Skills First Contract, Master Builders must deliver subsidised training to Eligible Individuals in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Skills First contract. To determine if you may be eligible for government subsidised training, contact Master Builders Association of Victoria, Training Department on 03 9411 4555.
Fees will be waived upon sighting of the relevant documentary evidence, for the following cohorts of students:
Concessional Fees (at a % set by the Department of Education and Early Childhood) will apply upon sighting of the relevant documentary evidence, to the following student enrolments:
Specific Concessional Fees are shown in the Statement of Fees section for each qualification.
Any material supplied by Master Builders, Training Department to the student or customer including but not limited to training course materials (in document format, electronic format or otherwise), are for the student or customer’s non-commercial use. The student or customer must not re-publish, license, transfer, copy, reproduce or post on the internet, any of the Master Builders materials without prior consent from Master Builders.
Master Builders does not accept responsibility for any loss or detriment arising by reason of theft, loss or damage to, or otherwise concerning any property belonging to the student or customer.
The Privacy Act 1988 legislates the manner in which private sector organisations should collect, use, keep secure and disclose personal information. The Australian Privacy Principles (APP) give individuals a right to know what information an organisation holds about them and a right to correct that information if it is wrong.
Master Builders ensures it operates consistently with the 13 Australian Privacy Principles and collects personal information that is necessary for the conduct of its business. Master Builders ensures that it uses that information in the manner for which it was intended.
Master Builders includes a standard privacy notice in all enrolment forms, in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines and the National VET Data Policy which advises students how their data may be supplied to and used by the Department of Education and Training. Refer to the Privacy Policy for further information which can be found here.
Plagiarism occurs when an individual attempts to pass someone else’s work off as their own i.e. using someone’s ideas, opinions, or theories in an assignment or essay, using pieces of information, such as graphs, statistics, drawings, that are not the student’s own work. In most cases plagiarism occurs without intent to deceive. With adequate training and support, this should not recur. The consequences of this misconduct can include, but is not limited to:
Master Builders provides students with the following information to assist them to better understand their rights, role and responsibilities whilst undertaking a training program with Master Builders if:
How will Master Builders assist you?
If Master Builders (RTO) is closing, it will assist you during the closure process.
Master Builders will:
All virtual classes are recorded for training and quality purposes. By attending a virtual session, you are consenting to be recorded, and understand that the footage may be used for training purposes. Except for exceptional circumstances, students will not be provided session recordings as an alternative means of delivery, and are expected to attend all live sessions, whether in person or virtual.