Sustainable Building Services

For over a decade we have been improving the skills of builders by enabling them to build houses that are comfortable and healthy while reducing environmental impact – all through our Green Living program.

Services we provide

Master Builders helps you to deliver quality outcomes for your business and your clients. Through our training courses, advisory services and our Green Living Conference, our sustainability team will help you to better address tender objectives and comply with onsite environmental requirements in the commercial market.

For those building for the domestic market we will help you to build affordable housing that is light filled and more comfortable to live in, resulting in reduced energy costs with minimal environmental impact. The Green Living website provides valuable information and support for both builders and clients. Potential clients can also search for an accredited Green Living Builder.

Provision of specialist advice and support for Master Builders members including;

  • Training in sustainable construction for both domestic (Master Builder Green Living) and commercial builders
  • Master Builders Green Card – basic environmental induction training for better site management
  • Tailored onsite training for inducting contractors and all your employees
  • Onsite inspections and advice on environmental management procedures, operations and compliance (first inspection free)
  • Provision of environmental management plan templates, help with preparing environmental management plans and responding to tendering questions
  • Assistance with sourcing environmentally preferred materials and services
  • The provision of easy to follow guides.

For further information please contact Master Builders on (03) 9411 4555. 

Sustainable Building information and tips

Please see below information and tips on sustainable building and renovations. For further information, members are advised to call our Sustainable Building Advisor on 03 9411 4555.

Passive solar house design/block orientation

If choosing a block make sure it will allow you to place the living areas on the north side of the house. Large north facing windows allow the sun to enter and warm the house in winter. Shade the 7 windows in summer. Avoid or minimise windows facing west or east and make sure any are well shaded

Sealing your home

Drafts allow cold air into your home in winter and hot air in summer. This adds significantly to your heating and cooling costs. Make sure external doors and window closures are properly weather sealed, use self-closing extraction fans and approved covers over any downlights. Wall penetrations should also be sealed during construction.

Insulate external walls, floor & ceiling

Insulation is the most cost effective way to make your home more comfortable in both winter and summer. Add as much as you can and make sure it is installed correctly. It should not be compressed and there should be no gaps.

Windows, doors & double glazing

Double glazing has become less expensive as its use has increased. This will, reduce heat losses from your home in winter, and reduce heat conduction through windows in summer resulting in more constant/comfortable temperatures inside.


Sealing your home to reduce draughts means you need to provide adequate ventilation when and where necessary, e.g. kitchen, bathroom, toilet or laundry using exhaust fans or openable windows. If the house is very well sealed you might consider heat recovery ventilation systems. These provide a steady flow of fresh air but greatly reduce the need to heat or cool it each time.

Heating and cooling

These are the big energy users in your home. Get the most efficient systems you can a afford as this will make a significant difference to your energy bills.

Efficient lighting

Check with your electrician to make sure the lights and any covers comply with Australian electrical safety requirements.

Energy efficient appliances

When choosing fridges, televisions, washing machines, dishwashers, etc. choose the most efficient ones you can a ord. Look for those with the highest star rating.

Solar & water harvesting

Significantly reduce the amount of water and energy you use by producing your own. Use accredited installers and quality systems.

Solar Passive Design

Solar Passive Design

See how best practice design principles come together in home design

7 Star Homes Training

The Master Builders Association of Victoria has designed these webinars to assist builders with moving from 6 star to 7 star rating regulations.

These online workshops will provide you with the tools to be able to assist your clients to gain a better understanding of the 7 star standard.

The topics in this workshop include:

  • Changes to the Energy Efficiency requirements of the National Construction Code 2022 – Moving from 6 to 7 Stars
  • Increasing energy efficiency requirements
  • Explanation of star ratings
  • Solar passive design principles
  • Installing insulation
  • Lighting requirements
  • Examples of moving from a 6 to 7 star home.
MBV – Moving from 6 to 7 Star whole of home
– Design Training Webinar
MBV – Moving from 6 to 7 Star whole of home
– Construction Training Webinar

Sustainable building useful links, products and suppliers

This information is provided to assist with sustainable building practices. The companies are not necessarily recommended over others that may provide similar services.

Alex Fraser Group

Ph: 136 135

100% recycled content – roadbase and aggregate material.s

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)

Ph: 02 9699 2850

This database is a free resource of environmentally preferable products in Australia. The green procurement database takes a unique approach by providing meaningful and quantifiable evaluation of each product’s environmental performance in addition to providing contact details and technical information about products.

eco bricks group

Ph: 1300 326 274

Recycled rustic reds, handmades, creams, clinkers, hawthorns and budget render bricks.

Tuftmaster Carpets

Ph: 1800 062 076

Tuftmaster Carpets Solution Dyed Nylon and Wool carpets will be taken back at the end of the warranty period and recycled in Victoria.


Ph: 1800 040 080

Australian owned and manufactured with a better than zero carbon footprint, Weathertex‘s external timber cladding is the ideal solution for any builder, architect or designer in search for environmentally conscious and high quality material. All Weathertex products are made from, without any chemical additives, certified state forest or private hardwoods in Australia.

Central Pre Mix

Ph: 03 9303 9633

CSR Ready Mix Ph: 02 4474 3060 Pronto Mixed Concrete Ph: 03 9635 1333 With recycled content and/or flyash.

Association of Building Sustainability Assessors

Ph: 1300 889 438

Understanding Air Tightness

What is an air tightness test?

Building for a Better Seal

Includes spray testing for weather-tightness

Passive House Pty Ltd

Contact: Peter Steudle Ph: 03 9329 3693

Providing Passivhaus building performance solutions Australia wide.

Bin Smart

Ph: 03 5979 8244

Deliver within Mornington Peninsula and most areas south of Melbourne. Sort and recycle 60-70% of waste.

Pro Clima

Ph: 1800 776 254

Offers architectural advice and advice about sustainable building materials. Advice includes: Building Envelope & Draft Proofing, Insulation, Windows & Doors, Noise Proofing, Non-toxic (no VOC) paint & floor finishes, Solar Hot Water, Solar Heating, Energy Recovery Ventilation, Renewable Energy, Rain Water, Grey Water, Black Water, GreenRoofs.

Blue Jays Designs & Promotions

Contact: Fredrick Joseph

Ph: 0413 560 657

GRN Wallboards – Wholesale distributors of polystyrene building products for external cladding, insulation of walls, floors and ceilings.

Boral Concrete

Ph: 133 006

Lanfax Laboratories

The information provided on these pages is the unique research of Lanfax Laboratories, investigating the potential impact of powder laundry detergents on our environment. It contains information about salt and phosphorus levels of various laundry detergents.

Design Matters National

Design Matters National is a leading professional body for Building Designers and related industry professionals.
Phone: 03 9416 0227

Designing for a Better Seal

Introduces the Red Pen Test

Green Living Resources

Discover our collection of Green Living resources all designed to help with green building and energy efficiency projects.

Getting Energy Efficiency Right 

During 2018 and 2019 the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in partnership with the Victorian Building Authority completed a series of audits into building sites. Compliance with the energy efficiency requirements prescribed in the building permit, the applicable “National Construction Code (NCC) and the relevant Australian Standards.”

In this series of videos, we’re going to look at the common issues identified and discuss how these can impact on the buildings energy use and the easy methods to make sure you’re providing the best result for you and your client.

Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Understanding the regulations (Part 1)

 In this first video series of Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Understanding the regulations (Part 1), Dr Philip Alviano discusses:

  • Why it’s important to get your paperwork right
  • Why it’s important to install correct products
  • Getting installation correct and why it’s important.

Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Windows (Part 2)

 In this second video series of Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Windows (Part 2), Dr Philip Alviano discusses:

  • The importance of windows in detail (Rylock Windows and Doors)
  • What’s specified is correct and installed correctly
  • How product substitution can lead to non-compliance issues
  • Providing tips on the correct procedures.

Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Insulation (Part 3)

 In this third video series of Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Insulation (Part 3), Dr Philip Alviano discusses:

  • The importance of insulation in more detail (Granted Constructions)
  • How production substitution and poor installation practices can lead to non-compliance issues
  • Providing tips on how to avoid these issues.

Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Building wrap and sealing (Part 4)

In this final and fourth video series of Getting Energy Efficiency Right – Building wrap and sealing (Part 4), Dr Philip Alviano discusses:

  • The importance of building wraps and sealing in more detail (Granted Constructions)
  • How production substitution and poor workmanship practices can lead to non-compliance issues
  • Providing tips on how to avoid these issues.

Getting Energy Efficiency Right Webinar 

This webinar is presented by Dr. Phil Alviano, in partnership with the Victorian State Government. The webinar will improve your understanding of your obligations under the energy efficiency requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC), detail the VBA Energy Efficiency Program and compliance issues identified by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, and the Victoria Building Authority and highlight considerations that will help you to build better homes that are comfortable, healthy and energy-efficient.

Why become Green Living accredited?


Access to marketing brand

The necessary skills to understand the scope and application of the energy provisions in the BCA and broad sustainability innovations (5 Star).


Listed in our directory

Master Builders Green Living builders will be listed on the Master Builders Victoria website where customers will be able to search for a Master Builders Green Living builder.



The necessary tools and information to design and construct energy efficient structures that not only meet minimum standards but set a new benchmark in the housing sector for energy innovation.


Sustainable solutions

The ability to improve their customer service and business by providing informative advice to clients about sustainable solutions in the design and construction of their dwelling.

Green Living builder case studies

Hear what Green Living builders have to say about how the accreditation has helped them to grow their business.

  • Larkin and Drought Homes

    Larkin and Drought Homes

    View full story

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