RTO provider number 3935
ABN 38 004 255 654
Master Builders Association of Victoria (Master Builders Victoria, MBV) is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO number 3935) and its national regulatory authority is the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). We are committed to deliver quality training and assessments to our students, industry and the vocational education and training (VET) sector. We ensure to comply with the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and the VET Quality Framework.
Master Builders Association of Victoria is responsible for compliance of training and/or assessment for the training products on its scope of registration.
We deliver over 50 different courses and the full list of the accredited courses can be found at www.training.gov.au.
To view or download policies and procedures, click on the link.
Access and Equity
Complaints, Concerns and Appeals
Fees, Charges and Refund
Issuance of AQF Certification Document
Learner Support
National Recognition and Credit Transfer
Plagiarism & Cheating
Recognition of Prior Learning
Transition Arrangement
Unique Student Identifier
As a member of the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA) (previously ACPET), Master Builders Association of Victoria (Master Builders Victoria, MBV) is committed to transparency in our student recruitment processes and practices, as well as continuous improvement of the delivery and learning outcomes of our training.
Master Builders Victoria fully supports and adopts all aspects of ITECA’s Code of Ethics for ITECA members. The Codes are a tangible way in which we can demonstrate our commitment to quality, and enable students to have greater confidence that Master Builders Victoria acts with integrity and accountability in its conduct. We will be evaluating our operations and processes in accordance with the requirements of the Codes.
The Code of Ethics is available for download – simply click on the link below to obtain your copy.