A new building and construction industry Respect Code seeks to create safe and respectful workplaces for women where safety, inclusiveness and wellbeing are paramount. 

Master Builders Victoria have been a strong advocate and active participant in the Building Industry Consultative Council (BICC) Building Equality Committee that worked to develop this code.  

Feedback from members on this code and the recently released Building Equality Policy are recognising the importance of scaffolding support for more women to enter and be successful in our industry. 

Implementing the code will assist in creating safe and respectful workplaces for women where safety, inclusiveness and wellbeing are paramount. 

The Respect Code - Building and Construction Industry (Respect Code) is: 

  • An industry-led initiative developed by the BICC includes leaders from employer associations, unions, major construction companies, and the Victorian government. 
  • They were modelled on enterprise agreements in the building and construction industry which now include Safe and Respectful Workplaces provisions. 
  • It supports making the industry a better place to work for women. 

The Respect Code will: 

  • Ensure everyone understands their legal obligations under occupational health and safety, bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination laws. 
  • Create lasting behavioural change by empowering people to create and maintain respectful workplaces. 
  • Demonstrate to women that this industry values their involvement. 
  • Strive to eliminate unacceptable behaviour. 

The Code outlines the action and behaviours for employers, managers and staff.  Specifically,  

  • Ensure everyone is treated equally. 
  • Treat each other with consideration and respect. 
  • Be inclusive and promote teamwork. 
  • Value others and accept their differences. 
  • Consider the impact of our behaviours on the women we work with. 
  • Call out behaviour that could lead to bullying, work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment or discrimination. 
  • Acknowledge that our behaviours and attitudes contribute to a respectful work environment. 

Employers must have a Respect Code in the workplace. Managers must also set the example and standards for everyone to follow.  

For more information click here.