In the hope that our industry can re-open on 5 October 2021, there are some actions that members can take:

  • Business Victoria has a dedicated page that provides further information for COVID Marshals, which indicates that COVID Marshals must complete basic infection control awareness training. Click here for further information.

    Victorian TAFEs and Registered Training Organisations also offer accredited training courses. Click here for free infection control training.  

    Online training is also available at Department of Health COVID-19 Infection Control Training.

    It is recommended COVID Marshals are also trained in First Aid (Level 2).

    Please note that COVID Check-in Marshals do not require any role-specific training.
  • Review the airflow and ventilation standards in all meal rooms on all your sites. There is guidance available in Appendix 8.5 of the Industry COVID-19 Guidelines.  Click here to access the guidelines. 

Prior to re-opening, a concise summary of the Industry Guidelines which contain the most comprehensive package of guidance available to members and the workforce in our industry will be made available to members.  

This summary will help to re-induct returning workers on 5 October on COVIDSafe work practices, such as the importance of properly wearing face masks, properly observing social distancing, and sound hygiene measures.