On Friday, 9 April 2021, the Victorian government announced further easing of COVIDSafe measures.

One of the announced changes was the removal of the density quotient of 1 person per 2 sqm for office-based workplaces.

Please note that this change does not apply to crib sheds and other meeting rooms on building and construction sites as they are considered 'shared spaces and publicly accessible areas.'

Per the Workplace Directions (no.24), clause 6, section 13: "In any shared spaces and publicly accessible areas at the Work Premises, an employer must comply with the density quotient for each shared space and each publicly accessible area."

If you are in any way unsure of your COVID safety obligations, remember members have access to free advice from MBV OHS advisors who are always ready to help. 

Call (03) 9411 4555 or email [email protected].