Membership for Residential/Domestic Builders
If you’re a builder in the residential sector and are looking to grow and develop your business, we encourage you to consider a membership with Master Builders Victoria.
Thousands of home builders across Victoria enjoy the reputational value that comes with the Master Builders brand. Being recognised as a Master Builder can help you build confidence and rapport with potential clients, and position your business as a home builder of choice.
You may be in business for yourself, but you don’t have to do it all by yourself. As a Master Builders Victoria member, our team is here to support you.
Our team of technical advisors are available to assist you with guidance in a range of areas, including;
In addition to this, as a Registered Training Organisation, we offer our members world-class industry skills training, at specially discounted member rates.
Our members also have access to a wide range of members benefits and discounts on select services and products.
And – as a leading industry membership association, we advocate on behalf of our members, representing their interests to government and other regulatory bodies. So in supporting us through membership, you have the opportunity to play your part in improving Victoria’s building and construction industry.
So what are you waiting for? Apply today and start experiencing the benefits that membership has to offer.
Master Builders knows what’s needed for successful Domestic Builder Limited and Domestic Builder Unlimited registration. Don’t risk wasting your application fees. Let us help you get it right the first time
Master Builders is the Victorian Small Training Provider of the Year 2016. You can save up to 40% on our award-winning courses to increase your skills and grow your business success.
If you find your weekends are spent struggling to manage your business, Master Builders can help with courses in Time Management, MS Project, Business and Financial Management, and more.
More and more clients want sustainable and energy efficient housing. Get Green Living Accredited and work in one of the fastest growing building and construction sectors.
The Master Builders brand is widely recognised and trusted for its quality, integrity and competitive edge. When potential customers ask if you’re a Master Builder (and they will), make sure you can say “yes.”
A massive draw card in the industry, our Excellence in Housing Awards series celebrates the outstanding work and achievements of our members.
Get your name out there to the people that matter and sponsor a Master Builders event. Our audiences are filled with people actively seeking products and services just like yours.
Meet other Master Builder members
Master Builders members have access to great savings through our members-only rewards program. Save on fuel, health and car insurance, phone plans, car hire, airfares and more.
Save money on contracts, legally compliant stationery and documents, clothing, merchandise, and signage required on site.
You’re never too skilled to up-skill, and members get discounted prices for all Master Builders training.
We offer a variety of free specialist advice services covering insurance and legal so you save money and know you’re well informed.