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Browse hundreds of products
all at discounted prices for members
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access to create, edit and manage your
As leaders in vocational training we
offer courses just for the building and
construction industry. RTO 3953
Becoming a Master Builder positions you and your business alongside thousands of other members committed to building excellence, and connects you with builders and consumers throughout Victoria.
Every day, our specialist advice service helps our members through advice relating to legal, OHS and financial issues, IR guidance, building and permits, builder registration and more.
Select from an extensive range of courses, training and workshops to extend your skill sets and rapidly advance your career with our award-winning training services.
We work hard on behalf of our members to ensure there is a pipeline of work in place for the construction industry by communicating regularly with the Victorian State Government and the Federal Government.
Interact and engage with other Master Builder Victoria members as part of our network, and grow positive relationships and business opportunities with other professionals in our industry.
Explore our wide range of member discounts through our benefit partners who all offering great discounts on products and services, plus access discounts to our Master Builders Victoria offerings.