MBV says Wilson review recommendations don’t go far enough and calls for fairer risk allocation in government contracts
Master Builders Victoria says it welcomes ‘the intent’ of the recommendations put forward in the final report into the state’s construction sector but argues they don’t go far enough.
The investigation by Greg Wilson was commissioned earlier this year following explosive allegations of criminal and other unlawful conduct on construction sites in Victoria, including major state-funded infrastructure projects. Mr Wilson’s final report and recommendations were released today.
MBV CEO Michaela Lihou says while some of the recommendations are a reasonable start, there was a lot more work that could, and should, be done.
“Next steps should focus on empowering law enforcement and other state regulators to better tackle criminal or unlawful activity. Victoria Police, and other state regulators, must work together and have adequate resourcing, training, as well as an understanding of the operating environment, to be able to address underlying issues properly and effectively,” she says.
“It is currently unclear how builders – according to these recommendations – would be able to effectively address suspected criminal activity.”
MBV will be seeking further clarification about aspects of the report, including any new reporting requirements for builders.
“Any changes implemented from the final report must not create additional and unnecessary obligations on builders or the industry,” says Ms Lihou.
“We also continue to call on the Victorian Government to provide fairer risk allocation in its contracts to improve practices on-site and negate any unintended consequences to implementing the report’s recommendations.”
The Wilson report also recommends any changes be reviewed in two years’ time.
“Alongside the federal government, the Victorian government must play its ongoing part to help improve conduct and culture within our industry,” says Ms Lihou.
“Addressing the issues that impact parts of our industry require ongoing effort, collaboration, adjustment, and monitoring. You can’t simply set and forget an approach to challenges like these.”
“Every Victorian, not just the Victorian Government, has an interest in ensuring that state projects are run lawfully, safely and are on-time and on-budget.”