Find a Master Builder

Search our member directory for a preferred builder or supplier.

* This search tool will direct you to the iBuildNew website. To view our disclaimer or FAQ’s see below.

Get a Master Builder for your next home project

For a high standard of workmanship for your next job connect with our trusted community of skilled registered builders and tradespeople.

FAQs for consumers

What does this service do for me?

It helps you efficiently find and connect with a Master Builder for your next residential building or home renovation project. Simply select the postcode, budget and type of work to find a registered Master Builder for your project. (See disclaimer below)

What questions should I ask my builder before employing them?

1. Are you a registered builder?
You should always ensure that your builder is a registered domestic building practitioner. If you are unsure, search for their information on the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) practitioner search page or phone the VBA on 1300 815 127.

2. Are you a Master Builder?
Master Builders must fulfil a series of stringent criteria to obtain and retain membership. If you employ a Master Builder, you know that they are expected to be fair and reasonable and that their work will be of a high standard. If you want to check whether your builder is a Master Builder, ask them or call us on (03) 9411 4555.

3. Do you have references of previous work?
As with any ‘job interview’ a builder or tradesperson should be able to support their qualifications and abilities with references. Ask to see examples of their work and client testimonials and references.

Who do I contact for help?

You can call the friendly team at 1800 184 284 and they will be able to guide you through the website, and if needed can also help you find a building professional to suit your needs.

Who are iBuildNew? is the market leading online aggregator dedicated to residential new home construction. As an independent platform, helps Australians identify and compare home designs, house and land packages and land estates, and now allow their users to find registered building professionals such as custom builders, registered trades and architects.


By clicking ‘FIND A BUILDER’ I agree with the below disclaimer warning.

Master Builders cannot make any warranties, promises and/or representations of any kind, expressed or implied, are given as to the nature, standard, accuracy, content, completeness, legality or reliability or otherwise of the information or service provided by iBuildNew nor to the suitability or otherwise of the information received by you from iBuildNew.

Master Builders shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect or consequentially) whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, which may arise as a result of you being redirected to the iBuildNew website or use of (or failure to use) the information contained on this website, as the content of such third party sites is not within the control of Master Builders and we cannot and will not therefore take responsibility thereon.

New with your membership – FREE online business listing

Master Builders members* can create a FREE business listing or access a 50% discount on paid listings on – searched by nearly 100,000 users per month.

A listing on will help you to showcase your residential building and renovation projects, get more of the work you’re after and reach new customers.

It’s easy to sign up to a free listing or upgrade to a paid listing that will be even more prominent in customer searches. Call 1300 943 640 to set-up your profile over the phone in just a few minutes.

*Only for domestic registered builders and registered trades.






Limited Profile
Get found on iBuildNew search results that shows your contact details, logo and image.
Your own personalised profile page. Showcase your business on iBuildNew.
Allow your past customers to make reviews of your service to build your brand’s credibility.
Appear on the top of the home page of the iBuildNew website.
Increase your visibility on iBuildNew by being one of the first to appear in search results with a larger profile listing.
Upload written testimonials from your previous clients to highlight the quality of your service.
Extend your profile by showcasing your latest projects. Upload images and tell your potential clients more about the scope of the project.


Search Listing
Get found on iBuildNew search results that shows your contact details, logo and image.
Builder Profile
Your own personalised profile page. Showcase your business on iBuildNew.
User Review
Allow your past customers to make reviews of your service to build your brand’s credibility.
Featured Listing
Appear on the top of the home page of the iBuildNew website.
Priority Listing
Increase your visibility on iBuildNew by being one of the first to appear in search results with a larger profile listing.
Upload written testimonials from your previous clients to highlight the quality of your service.
Project Gallery
Extend your profile by showcasing your latest projects. Upload images and tell your potential clients more about the scope of the project.


Search Listing
Get found on iBuildNew search results that shows your contact details, logo and image.
Builder Profile
Your own personalised profile page. Showcase your business on iBuildNew.
User Review
Allow your past customers to make reviews of your service to build your brand’s credibility.
Featured Listing
Appear on the top of the home page of the iBuildNew website.
Priority Listing
Increase your visibility on iBuildNew by being one of the first to appear in search results with a larger profile listing.
Upload written testimonials from your previous clients to highlight the quality of your service.
Project Gallery
Extend your profile by showcasing your latest projects. Upload images and tell your potential clients more about the scope of the project.


Search Listing
Get found on iBuildNew search results that shows your contact details, logo and image.
Builder Profile
Your own personalised profile page. Showcase your business on iBuildNew.
User Review
Allow your past customers to make reviews of your service to build your brand’s credibility.
Featured Listing
Appear on the top of the home page of the iBuildNew website.
Priority Listing
Increase your visibility on iBuildNew by being one of the first to appear in search results with a larger profile listing.
Upload written testimonials from your previous clients to highlight the quality of your service.
Project Gallery
Extend your profile by showcasing your latest projects. Upload images and tell your potential clients more about the scope of the project.

FAQs for builders

How do I create a profile for my business on iBuildNew?

Simply go to to select the package right for you and to start your online profile (see disclaimer below). Your online listing will take as little as 10 minutes to create, and the friendly team at iBuildNew can assist where needed. Listings are published when your member details have been confirmed with Master Builders, and your registration with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA).

How will my business be found on iBuildNew?

iBuildNew markets itself as a search platform to those building a new home, or looking to undertake a renovation. Through a combination of digital marketing and a range of other marketing and promotional activities attracts well over 100,000 users to the site each month. Customers can quickly search for registered builders, trades and architects through the Building Professionals directory to find a builder right for them.

Who do I contact?

For membership enquiries call Master Builders on (03) 9411 4555.

For help to set-up an account and profile on for your business, go to and select your package and get started. Alternatively, you can always contact one of the friendly team at iBuildNew for assistance by calling 1800 184 284.

How long do I subscribe for?

You can access a free limited listing as a Master Builders member with no time commitment, but this type of listing does not have as much profile information and will not get priority listing in search results. There are two paid subscriptions – which attract a 50% discount with Master Builders membership – which can be subscribed to on a monthly or annual basis (further discounts apply to annual subscriptions).

What if I am not a registered builder?

Only registered builders, trades and architects are listed on Your proof of registration will be requested during the account creation process which is verified with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA). Find out more about becoming a registered builder.

What are the benefits of being a Master Builder?

On top of the many existing benefits of Master Builders membership, members are now entitled to a complimentary free profile of their business on the search platform (with limited information) or a 50% discount on a paid subscription package with iBuildNew – which allows you to showcase your work and have more visibility and priority listing in searches.

Who can review my business?

Reviews are intended for your previous customers only. When a reviewer submits a review they need to provide their contact details for verification purposes, and iBuildNew manually screen each and every review that is made to ensure the content is appropriate and seems reasonable before it is published to the site. You will receive a notification when a review is made against your profile, and you can quickly notify the team at iBuildNew through the platform if you have any concerns about the review, which will then be investigated and resolved by the team at iBuildNew. iBuildNew make it very easy for you to request reviews from your clients with the click of a button.

What do I need to create a profile on iBuildNew?

When you first create an account on you will be emailed instructions about the simple steps to create your profile, and the information you need. As a Master Builder, if you are selecting a free limited listing you don’t need anything more than your contact details and address. If you are subscribing to a paid package and developing a full profile you will also need more detailed information about your business, and ideally images from previous jobs you have undertaken, testimonials from previous clients, and of course the type of work you are seeking and the areas that you are prepared to service. You can always seek further guidance from the friendly team at by calling 1800 184 284.

Disclaimer Builders

By clicking ‘Start your online profile’ I agree with the below disclaimer warning.

Master Builders cannot make any warranties, promises and/or representations of any kind, expressed or implied, are given as to the nature, standard, accuracy, content, completeness, legality or reliability or otherwise of the information or service provided by iBuildNew nor to the suitability or otherwise of the information received by you from iBuildNew.

Master Builders shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatever nature (direct, indirect or consequentially) whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise, which may arise as a result of you being redirected to the iBuildNew website or use of (or failure to use) the information contained on this website, as the content of such third party sites is not within the control of Master Builders and we cannot and will not therefore take responsibility thereon.