Leadership & Communication

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Master Builders Victoria has an unbeatable reputation for its high-quality materials, standards, and industry relevance, and we take pride in offering these to our members. Master Builders Onsite training provides companies the opportunity to have training delivered at a time and location that suits their work/job commitments and employee rosters.

The benefits onsite training provides

The benefits to your company include:

  • Training and upskilling your employees and subcontractors. This provides increased confidence in knowing your staff are better equipped to perform their job roles and are also able to deal with occurrences that happen on site
  • Greater flexibility around program timetabling – for example scheduling training on known rostered days off (RDO)
  • Program timings, (early mornings, evenings or late afternoons) to suit workplace rosters
  • Location – Onsite training can be conducted at your office, on your site, or at a Master Builders Training venue
  • Meaningful opportunities to apply learning directly in the workplace using scenarios, policies and operating systems documentation that are relevant to your specific workplace
  • Exposing employees and managers to industry best practice
  • Opportunities for team building and increasing organisational commitment from employees
  • Creates an opportunity to share ideas and innovations between cohorts that may often otherwise work independently
  • Enhancing systematic workplace training and development or a cultural change program already in place.

Tailored Programs and Cost

  • Plan reading – Commercial (using your plans)
  • Defibrillator training
  • Presentation skills
  • OHS refresher training for OFSC audits
  • SWMS workshops
  • Toolbox training
  • Selecting and managing contractors

NOTE: Tailored programs can incorporate your company’s policies, procedures and other important organisational documentation.

Participant prices are reflected throughout the website. Please refer to the relevant webpage for specific course information and pricing. Administration Fees do apply.

Note: Onsite training delivered in regional areas can also be subject to trainer travel expenses.

Contact us

Master Builders Industry Training

Master builders Association of Victoria


RTO Provider Number 3935

ABN 38 044 255 654

Need assistance? Contact our team.