Did you know that to engage in work directly for a client that is worth more than $10,000 you are required to be registered?
Complete our checklist and a representative from Master Builders will be in touch.
For further information please contact MBV on 03 9411 4555
Applying for builder registration can be a daunting and time-consuming process, but Master Builders Victoria can help.
With our range of training options on offer, including short courses, Certificates, Diplomas and dedicated Builder Registration Programs, we can make sure that you’re best prepared to achieve success.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an initiative driven by the Victorian Building Authoroty in Victoria. The program is available to all Registered Building Practitioners in Victoria.
CPD is about keeping up with changes in the industry and gaining the skills and knowledge that will enable you to effectively operate and grow your business.
Under the program it is recommended that practitioners earn a specified number of CPD points through participating in a range of learning opportunities and activities. Activities include occupational health and safety and business skills training, meeting attendance, apprentice supervision, Trade Nights etc.
Master Builders Victoria keeps track of all CPD points accrued by members through participation in Master Builders CPD activities.