MBV Governance

Please see Master Builders Association of Victoria compliance documentation below.
For further information, please feel free to contact our team here.



The Master Builders Association of Victoria abides by the registered rules of the MBV Constitution as certified by the General Manager, Fair Work Commission.


Code of Ethics

Members of Master Builders Association of Victoria believe that the interests of the community at large can best be served through the observation of a Code of Ethics which recognises that community confidence in the building and construction industry is enhanced by fair treatment, courtesy and efficient service.


Whistleblower Policy

Master Builders Victoria is committed to adhering to its statutory obligations, its rules and values. We are committed to providing those involved with our Organisation a safe environment to raise concerns regarding breaches of internal rules or policy, or Disclosable Conduct relating to the Organisation, its branches, officers, employees or members.


Regional Engagement Groups Terms of Reference

The Regional Engagement Groups recognise that there is diversity across regional Victoria, and that local member voices are important to ensuring we can provide service, support and relevant events that meet the needs of the regions. These Groups also play a key role in supporting networking opportunities and welcoming new members to the local Master Builders community.


MBV Board Conduct Principles

As the MBV Board’s core role is the governance of MBV, the entire Board and each Director are subject to the MBV Board Conduct Principles, which articulate the expected standards of behaviour.


MBV Board Charter

The MBV Board’s core role is the governance of MBV. The MBV Board Charter defines the respective roles, responsibilities and authorities of the entire Board and each Director.


RTO Governance

To view the Master Builders Victoria Institute of Training RTO Governance documentations, please click the link below.
RTO provider number 3935 | ABN 38 004 255 654


MBV Elections

The Master Builders Association of Victoria holds elections when required to fill positions on the MBV Board and relevant committees. The election process is run by the Australian Electoral Commission. To view the current election documentation and more information, click the link below.